Friday, May 13, 2016

All fun and games until someone gets hurt

    Hi my name is Slim Shady NAAAA I am kidding it is Brad Pittensky  I am twenty three and live in Sweet home Alabama and I have a story to tell you all so tune in I got muscular atrophy on my left leg and arthritis in both my knees and left ankle.   

When I was only eighteen years of age when I was hit by a drunk driver. I remember waking up in the pain that can only can be described if it happened to you and I wish that upon no person,it caused me pain that is indescribable. I remember feeling saddness, anger and frustration.Living with this is a challenge everydayfor thee past four years.There have been times where is just want to stay in bed and dream about never crossing that street or what I could have done differently that day but these things happen for a reason. Everyday I wake up with this and realize I lived through a miracle that day could have been my last. I TRY TO FOCUS ON EVERYTHING i can opposed to things I can't do #goals

At first I would lash out on everyone and everything surrounding me and it lives in me day and night but these days I can channel it better and more productive way then I used to. I work to make myself better and use the anger to let me function now opposed to push myself away. After my diagnosis it did affect me medically and emotionally. I am not the average guy,I can't run around and play sports or even run in general. Then again sports were not really my thing but if I knew this before hand I would run to everything and everywhere.some days are harder then other days emotionally  

Regarding my hospital treatment and experience there I met some of the coolest most outstanding people there when I was being hospitalized.To this day I still have frequent appointments there and I have ongoing treatment. Thank God/Baruch Hashem I have amazing and committed doctors and therapists after four years helping me get off my feet. I will always be grateful for all that they have done. Also just saying my sister was very much there for me and my stay treatment would be impossible without her support and she is one of the people who gave me enough strength to move forward.

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