Sunday, April 17, 2016

Humble with a dash of couragous

Hi my name Alexis Silver!! I came from the great city of Fairlawn,New Jersey and yes I AM 18 at the moment and I want to share my story for those who want to know. She was always placed in the lowest tracks up until 8th grade which is when they found out She’s dyslexic and in 6th grade her teacher asked if she had noticed everything looks backwards  and it explained her slow reading. Nobody second guessed it until later so she found when they questioned why some of my letters looked a certain way! It's annoying!

Her ADD,OCD and Social ineptitude came around 5th grade  never able to read people's faces well, doesn’t understand when a comment is inappropriate and too much.Which is a struggle in class when teacher try to hint or push away her comment she would say things and she wouldn’t understand to filter they get mad,bad social cues,asthma since birth it was really bad sometimes she will get panic attacks and anxiety attack which would affect her asthma barely able to breathe. Always had depression and anxiety but not discovered until high school a suicidal period so she see a therapist for that they said if you want medicine to treat all your diagnosis you must see someone,Sinusitis(major sinus infection). There was never a day I didn’t have a sinus infection  and had 3 surgeries they have been monitored.

My Everyday life is I can’t go ANYWHERE without my medications for example if I'm on a plane and Iforgot them I must miss my flight take medicine.I need to  collect my stuff like Aderall cause that is not sold in Israel. Also I am in major pain at times and due to my acid reflux; I will have to go through the day. Anxiety attacks used to be so bad that she used to rock back and forth, pull out my hair, scratch myself,hurt myself. Alexis's mom used to need to grab her hands and sit on top of her until she stopped it was really bad but she hasn’t had one in a few years thank goodness that affected around her friends,she feels like her problems are nothing compared to her friends. 

Insomnia affects her life because she can be staring at the ceiling for three hours no sleep so she will get up, she is able to run on an hour or two of sleep but a couple times her sleep deprivation a few times in high school she dropped and fainted no hospitalization but needed to miss the rest of the day. If I don’t take my acid reflex medication I can not eat all day but if I do not eat it is bad.I have had this since birth.had since baby My doctors say I have acid reflux due to my anxiety that really affected me in 9th grade when I had braces I was  throwing up often and that burned the anamel off of my teeth and needed to get bonded none of my teeth are actually real all of them are fake because there was no protection on my teeth. It’s frustrating! Cause my OCD kicks in on my dental hygiene with fear food in my mouth will rot. 

I take medication such as Adderall,Zolaf APATIHEC,TOPAMAX,ZARATONIN etc. and I see doctor,blood drawn often ,therapy so I can be prescribed and diagnosed with medication .Insomnia caused me to fall a couple times and I sometimes can't fall asleep until a few hours before I wake up thinking to myself will I fall today or not.

Anxiety attacks so bad that mom  said if not stop rocking back and fourth we need to call for help,Oral allergy  not much iron so i take iron pills. I can’t give blood but on the other hand I’m proud of my label normalize it don’t hide it they want to label me its okay you don’t know the struggle really try to surround myself with positives not negatives.

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