Skinny and Handy
My name is Yael Freedman!!! I am now eighteen years old.I was diagnosed with anorexia in May time of my freshman year some even feel this all started in eighth grade. Car pal Tunnel syndrome in October time my sophomore year. As everyone does there is a story behind all this chaos let me first explain what these are exactly in case someone doesn't know so Anorexia is the more common one but the definition is a lack of apatite mostly associated with memories in my case bullying. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is my wrists the nerves are squished it is very irritating basically. Time to tell my story my first one will be about my...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome so here goes nothing one day I was in pain while taking my notes to a point that my family noticed how much pain I felt in my wrist. I was taken to a PA Dr. Weingarden who diagnosed me but to make sure we went to a hand specialist who had given me a brace to wear sure enough I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Now I can type my notes as convenient as that is it gets me upset, that people say in school "OH MY GOD YOUR SO LUCKY YOU CAN TYPE YOUR NOTES!!!!" but truth is although it was something small and can be controlled;it is still annoying. I treat my hand by heating it every morning (it is as weird as it sounds) and a brace to wear at night so my media nerves do not condense. The colder it gets outside the more pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has put me through cause my nerves to close up.
So if you can say who your best friend is who would it be possibly your cat or my Aunts Son Vinny mine was my school psychologist Linda from 9th grade until now my senior year. Every time we spoke the conversation always began the same YAEL NICE TO SEE YOU WHAT DID YOU EAT?!?!?!?! I'd hug her say I am fine, I ate and I am more of a gum person! She laughed that kind giggle of hers...she had also come on our Shabbaton/ School bonding weekend trip where things were about to get interesting. On our shabbaton at meals I didn't eat at all not sure if the girls were worried or grossed out or what caused them to tell Linda but...they did. Soon enough Linda came over to me privately put a roll in my face and for the first time she sternly said to me eat this at least your mom will be called. I didn't think she was serious and it maybe to psych me out but OF COURSE the sixteen year old was wrong! My mother was called right after the Shabbaton and Linda told my mom I am not eating which I replied but I'm never hungry but when your the kid not many people will buy that. Linda basically diagnosed me before her colleague of whom was a doctor had declared I was severely and dangerously underweight;and must be treated right away. I refused unless they allowed me to do outpatient work.
Right after diagnosis Anorexia was given Medical workup (blood pressure, glucose levels etc. I was not allowed to exercise for about a week no biggie there. Then they gave a strict food plan which made it super hard three meals a day two or three snacks felt. Anorexia over the years has gotten better Thank God but it depends triggers are family,parties.I know how to handle it better!!!There are good things about it though I am ambidextrous and this got me through being so shy about everything to being a very talkative and medically it affected me because My pale skin tends to fluctuate often my weight shifts often up and down. Thank god no hospitals but sometimes I felt labeled self consciously I felt like the messed up uber skinny girl but that feeling disintegrated once my friends came I still answer questions but I am thankful for all the people who have helped me and now I do many forms of things. That is my story so peace out everybody!!!
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