Tuesday, May 10, 2016

      Hey my name is Murtle the Turtle I have a brain meningoma and distonia falls under the distornian catagory tortacolis rare disability. IN 2001 my father died and every year we used to on mothers day plant flowers by moms house and all of a sudden  I was seeing people,numbness of the arm and severe anxiety. I went to a neurologist Dr. Bittle in queens  they said I could have MS so they sent me for an MRI. I tried to reach them for the results the nurse said she can't  give information 3cm something showed in MRI but  the doctor would call which he hadn't and calsafacation and google said it was aa tumor I called up the office to see if this was true it was so Dr. Benine said to come back every 2.5 years he died...It grew once but continued to grow every year I go to see the neurologist no gammas and diagnosed in late 50's. 

Tortotolis I always towards negative emotions my head went  only right I  have a neck that twists and freezes  maybe that  be neurological in mid 50's.  

My treatment plan for the tumor only observation and they tried botox in mouth and neck not exactly sure what is next. Not hospitalized.effects everyday life affects how I feel and look and effects me socially to a point I cover my mouth. Because people see my mouth is twisted and I feel I need to justify  what I have so people discrimination. It effects my self esteem cause no matter what it twists my mouth I end up bringing more emphasize to it. I also got a root canal from an unsupervised dentist. I feel a struggle but I try making a great time out of everything its like why this happened I don't know.  No therapy yet does not bother me enough to do much.

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