Tuesday, May 17, 2016

To many hormones Can't deal

So my name is Elisha Duvinsky, I have a disability Hypothyroidism which is when your thyroid is slow so it makes too little hormone. I was diagnosed at twenty nine years old. When I was pregnant, I went for routine bloodwork and my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was high. This medical issue often appears in women during pregnancy and is quite common. In my case, it wasn't pregnancy related so I need to take medication my whole life. My treatment plan is I take 125 mcg of synthroid daily. That is synthetic thyroid hormone. By taking it, it brings my TSH levels to normal. I need to go for blood work regularly (ideally every six months, more often if dosage has changed) to make sure the dose is good, as it can change. I thank god was never hospitalized due to this. BarucH Hashem it mostly doesn't interfere with my life if it's under control. I Just need to take medicine in an empty stomach. If TSH would be high, can cause tiredness, weight gain, etc. I have never been discriminated and never effects     myself. I don't hide my TSH. It may have been the cause of a miscarriage I had when first diagnosed and that information I rarely share. It effects my lifestyle sometimes... gluten is bad for people with hypothyroid so I am attempting to be gluten free , so actually my diet has changed. I do not have to struggle too much BH. It can cause weight gain, so maybe I can blame tiredness and trouble dieting due to it, but really since medicine dose is fine, it really shouldn't give me too many side effects Thank God . 

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