Tuesday, May 10, 2016

To Scared to sit

 Hi my name is Zuri Jacobson I am twenty five right now and I guess I am ready to explain what life with my diagnosis is like. I am in Graduate school sometimes it can be hard cause so much learning and work well that leads me into my issue so I have ADHD making it  super hard to concentrate and I also have GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) which is more severe terror or anxiety then the average person so everything about school was difficult on me. These are both psychiatric disorders.

In elementary school they had me tested and I was diagnosed with ADHD at what I recall being around twelve years old that I was diagnosed.I remember a women named Christina Jonsal diagnosed me through having a conversation about my personal life. She said tjat the shaking I experience while speaking may be related to having a possibility of General Anxiety Disorder.

My ADHD causes me to be figety the whole time, I can be tapping my foot and no recognition. General Anxiety Disorder acts up more if  I am unaware of something,I am anxiety prone,overheat,can be emotionally irritable,nervous and even have anxiety attacks. 

I am on medacations to make things easier for me such as Celexa which is helpful towards my GAD it is an anti-depressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibbitor (SSRI). Also  known  more famously for treating depression. I also take adderal for my ADHD to stimulate my behavior  better. There have been no hospitalizations but am treated therapeutically. I feel labeled when it comes to dating because I never had a non-awkward but positive interaction with the other sex.

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